Pada beshalom nafshi mikrav li. ki bravim haiu imodi. He redeemed my soul through peace from the battles against me because of the help of the many who were with me. King David Psalm. Job and his friends are debating. God is unjust. I am just. The world is alchemical insanity. It wages war. Tara, who runs a government-owned electronics shop in Shimla, repeatedly points above her head and says: “He is making us dance. We are not doing it ourselves. Whatever He is doing we do not understand.” In my opinion God only punishes the righteous. One of Job’s friends says he who tries to quarrel with God murders himself! We need to respect God’s decisions, because we have no other choice, even if we respect only those of God’s decisions which are very unfair. If we quarrel with God when we are well, we will suffer. If we quarrel with God when things are horrible, it is understandable. But we gain by submitting to His will. We gain peace. Job sees the same thing everyone who is good remarks — that the righteous perish and the evil gain. He is innocent. And the war waging universe protects him by sending three beloved men. From a worldly gain perspective God sometimes really takes from the righteous I have been surely punished for being honest and pure in my intent. No good deed goes unpunished. None of mine did. Only if I have Yeshua’s trust, my life will make sense. Whatever He’s doing I have not understood. Pada beshalom — he redeems by peace — even though he rewards the ill-intended with physical pleasures. Pada beshalom. Redemption is through peace. Sign up for my newsletter.
I am this prayer. And what I noticed is that the letters, this prayer's initial letters of each word, -- not the words of the prayer itself --, the initial letters, which are according to my research initials of 42 names for HaShem or The Name, act on my consciousness.
The fires are raging all across the United States. The wind is blowing from the East to the West. There are fire storms in the West and ice storms in the East. You are in Israel. Your roots are in the US. You are with Master Saint Germain on Mount Shasta, or in Israel, or in the Himalayas. But your roots are in the US. We're not saying that you need to be there. But you need to write. You need not to inspire but to change American thought.
In obedience there is always fear, and fear darkens the mind. Adhere to the Truth rather than to the personality, and take to heart the Truth rather than the authority of another. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
"The main point it to have faith in the Sages and to be careful to respect them and to be in great fear of them. Even if it seems that they are doing things against the Torah, G-d forbid, still one must believe that they certainly are doing the proper thing, for the Torah was given to the Sages of the generation to explain it according to their understanding. Therefore, one must throw away one's intellect and only rely on them. (Etzot, Tz. 50)" -
As it is spoken in Judaism to attach to a tzaddik, to have faith in his or her presence, it is true in Buddhism. Grain of Salt. According to, the word Torah comes from yarah "to shoot an arrow" and "to hit the mark." Properly used the word means teaching or instruction and is associated with the holy spirit.
The Holy Spirit relates to the Higher Self, and the Higher Self relates to God, God in this case being the Truth. This means there is a resonance of truth within everyone. We can attune to this very high spiritual resonance and try to live by it. I would say the proper shooting of and hitting the mark by an arrow means to dash or bypass all our mental scenery which is not holy, our fear, undue desires, all of our ideation about what should be happening or done to us or by us, and concentrate on our heart's desire to do well for yourselves and to others in the highest way. This means to speak and behave, if possible even to think in a way, that supports me and as a result everyone around me in letting go of what is not aligned with truth and the current moment. Now to the question of Who Is God Speaking to Moshe, Ivrahim, Isaac, Yesiah, etc. Clearly God explains different things to different people. Yet there is power in His Word. God can be strict and command justice and to take a land - by force if need be - that has been promised by Him before. How can God give instructions for dealing strictly with the existing population in the promised land? The reason is karmic. There is truth and necessary restoration in every command by Him. |
Nora HoffmannAuthor of Scrying upon Torah. Talking with Moshe, Aaron, my great soul father King Solomon, Miriam, Master Saint Germain, and my divine mother Yeshe Tsogyal. Writer on Alchemy. Categories
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All content © Nora Hoffmann