In an attempt to restore our truthful prosperity with care not fear, I responded to a horrendous reply to my Better Business Bureau complaint in the following kind manner:
Masterful Patrifia and Quigley: 8/14/2023 To restore my reputation I'd like to say. And here are the words, the actual email kindly sent insetad of right away frying and fighting through BBB: I do not owe you, it is a lie. I was working with you for seven years often for free and for three years because I initiated a loosely kept partnership after a verbal agreement. It was based on mutual trust. I organized all the required resources for the training that you want to receive more than your share. Primarily however I helped you have an income you couldn't get off the ground. Our verbal contract was fairly and in consensus enacted for three years and was not to be broken by you two just for demanding to break Patricia's insisted-upon new refund policy and you two bullied me and insulted me and still are doing so for my sticking to that agreement re refunds. Now that you're demonizing me does not speak to your emotional maturity. My trustworthy behavior does not make you correct in demanding money when due to my poverty, your in fact strictly speaking owing me US $ 90 grand, a societal agreement would be to honor someone for the new stream of income and demand of oneself to get that woman off the ground. I strictly demand fairness and I will do everything in my power to restore harmony in my own soul. This contract was not to be broken by you disagreeing with my integrity about your new refund policy and turning after thorough bullying against me and keeping my share of the business. Are we in the Wild West or are we in an honorary society? Our verbal contract is not to be broken in that manner. Firstly, You need to list me as an Alchemical Hypnosis Trainer. There is more but that shall between me and your higher selves. With troubled servitude.
I highly recommend going to a free training or session or 15-minute conversation with the young man David Quigley, such as His discovery clinics which I believe you can participate in for only 40 dollars US. While He's as well offering stand-alone classes it may happen that He stands alone in one or two of them. Now, here is His contact âIn case you are feeling dissatisfied in his provision, call us for a free 10-minute phone call to assess if you wish to be on our mailing list. Unfortunately I can only provide WhatsApp + 91 78766 06619, as I am significantly understaffed and on the roam in Egypt, Saint Germain, and far away territory I wish not to discuss on my current website.Saint Germain
The Most Honorable Woman I ever met was a participant during my first certification in alchemical hypnosis in 2014. She was a participant who had completed the course work but was distracted by something during the exam and therefore was required to repeat the exam for certification. David Quigley treated her horribly. She sees far beyond the ordinary. Her spiritual intelligence outreaches many people, and every single one of my spiritually conscientious friends are very honorable. This woman is a true genius. David Quigley asked the group to give feedback about our experience, and she was honest about her being very annoyed -- it was important to her to get her due certificate (forever fuck that bitch said Quigley). My friend had agreed to receive training and spend her whole money -- it was all she had left -- of $ 2500 in the desire to have a professional certificate to make money, after Patricia Haggard had promised her yes, she will walk out with a successful hypnosis practitioner certificate. Instead of helping her, David Quigley became upset and refused to let her retest to complete her certificate. He was flirting with and getting money from the woman who distracted her. My friend had spent her entire budget for this. All that was necessary was that she needed to take advantage of the promise to be able to retest for a small fee. What is the issue? He has a policy that he will on a whim fire anyone from the training whom he labels as disruptive. Despite all of his genius he is unable to discern whether the disruption is someone else or himself. My life has improved tremendously after my business share was stolen. It was difficult to fathom that one verbally-trusted partner namely Patricia, once she had received by my own hands everything she needed to continue without me, meant to break the trust implied in our verbal agreement that we agreed upon before starting the venture as soon professionally possible. Patricia Haggard of Bridges Academy did it on behalf of David Quigley of the Alchemy Hypnosis Institute and took over my healthy share of prosperity to give to him and herself. It was a loose partnership, not organized in the form of a shareholder corporation, in which case her behavior would be prosecutable, and she was handling our joint money. She had gotten all the professionally necessary resources from me but was acquiring customers for our three-way professional business partnership. She had pretended her ethics were stellar but it is untrue. ![]() In the morning Saint Germain suggested I eat dinner before nine in the hotel where I receive all food at cost. I’ve been discussing a tasty paneer (cheese) masala with my guides for a few days. Most days I receive rice and lentils, in Hindi it’s daal, for free.
This morning I saw my guides commune with the main cook. Saint Germain is my soul husband. He was talking with the wonderful main cook, the man who is giving me tea in the above image, about preparing my sweet dinner. Before going back to my room in the evening, Ma Zu recommended: “You should ask for roti.” Bread. “I ask for “do".“ I'll ask for two. “Not do, tin. Tin rotis.” Not two, three chapati. I played the violin for a bit. I’m learning Kol Nodrei the giving up of all vows and prohibitions not serving l’El. I ate in the evening. My divine father said you come in with me. I went to the kitchen and asked for a bit of “Tora sa khana hain 🙏?” food. I was sitting in meditation when they rang my door bell. My inner husband Master Saint Germain recommended: You should turn on the light. I opened the door with my room light on. My gaze falls on genius Hotelier Biju holding a serving tray. On it are three rotis with paneer masala. There are many so-called master alchemists who pretend to be in the business for sincere reasons. Since ancient times, alchemy, due to the potential for easy gold production from cheap ingredients, has been used. Thus there is "fool's alchemy," in whereby he attempts to take people's cash while not offering the real gold which is ash. Wherefrom does in a healthy alchemical environment ashen gold arise? It is the ash of burning the old vehicles of emotional rigidity into merciful compassion.
It is terrifying to say the truth. David Quigley and Patricia ganged up against my dear beloved soulmate at the exact moment that she had put in the remaining effort to bring in any missing necessary resources, including a mature team of assistant trainers who were her peers and whom she masterfully developed to provide a safe and meaningful online training environment, to the best of my knowledge translated from above by Nora Hoffmann, -- Saint Germain Quigley is a known con. But I trusted Patricia to be honest. He uses his “famous” methods of EPC — which he calls ‘etheric plane communication’ which really is using occult skills to influence the unconscious of people against their conscious decisions.
It is a vastly known idea in kind and open Christian circles to conduct dialog from one higher self to another to resolve conflict as the highest possible form of peace. Since Quigley stole my income, with malice of forethought and with Patricia of Bridges Academy adding insult to injury, he is conducting himself on the inner plane like a prick with teeth. He has raped me on the inner plane, this kind and open dialog space for high consciousness to come through for resolving issues between people, calls me shitloads of nasty names, which when he first started I only noticed through waking up or experiencing profound depression and suicidal ruminations. I thought it was bizarre, and since I feel my Rinpoche praying for me initially only by noticing a fun happy thought and feel to my mind, I began to stay alert. One morning I woke up, probably not having set up my space securely enough for the night. I woke up etherically bleeding from being raped into all my etheric channels and each of my chakras. I was a disgusting sight. It took several hours while I cleaned myself up through prayer. How to turn harmony into dishonesty1. How to be dishonorable at all times. David Quigley calls it Nonviolent communication.
This workshop is for very selfless people who wish to satisfy male ignorance and cannot bear withholding a cent to share with everyone. You should
And much more empowering and valuable truths out of a stream of income to spiritually prosper long-term. He tricked everyone into believing his nasty personality was innocent and forced me out of a stream of income I created for the three of us to prosper long-term, threatening my very existence on the material plane.
Based on a verbal agreement of trust as is common in healthy cultures I agreed to take him online for only 1/3 of the profit of the online delivery part of the training. Even though David Quigley had barely any in-class students when I traveled in India as we first started implementing an online delivery strategy, maybe 2–3 people were there, not enough to make it worth his while instructing, with Covid our online delivery became the only income available to the two of them, Patricia Haggard of Bridges Academy and founder of Alchemical Hypnotherapy David Quigley. I almost quit when David Quigley director of Alchemical Hypnotherapy was rude to one of our students. But I couldn’t afford to. Therefore I was going to toss out all his personal crap and revamp the program and offer it with Patricia Haggard of Bridges Academy — I was kinda like an unofficial board member of her academy since its inception — , and I told Patricia Haggard of Bridges Academy that I was ready. Instead, a week later she broke our agreement and forced me out of our partnership. Now she forced me to leave and I am too poor to live. The reason I almost quit when David Quigley director of Alchemical Hypnotherapy was rude to one of our students is that he is untenable. She was upset. She had her reasons. We had ours. I was not upset with her for her desire to have structured clarity. When David Quigley decided she needed to discuss the issue in front of everyone despite her request to keep it between her and him, he referred to her desire for solid skills in general hypnotherapy methods (as opposed to his specific method of what he calls “alchemical hypnotherapy”) as instruction for a “swiss watch.” I almost fainted, and so did the woman. She was Swiss and I cared for her. She is brilliant. She is eager to know more. But that just isn’t what we were teaching. She was also upset about my somewhat clumsy attempt to release control and let students struggle on their own, as initially, during this very first weekend, it is the real safe weekend to explore on one’s own. Later on the training gets very specific and we need to be a bit controlling around instructing the right procedure in protocols. This is David Quigley’s training. He offended this woman again and again in front of everyone, shaming her and me alternating back and forth between us, until each of us had her video turned off and was breathing for repose. I was furious. She had been nothing but kind and, in a straight-forward way common to our culture, direct. I felt caring toward her. In fury, David Quigley was trying to discuss the situation, threatening me to remove me from my position. He had been referring to himself over me as “boss,” when in truth I was boss and entrepreneurial initiator of the online delivery of his training, director of online delivery, Patrica Haggard director of customer service, and he director of artistry as a con man. Then they forced me out in order to split my share among the two of them. Based on a verbal agreement from trust as is common in healthy cultures I agreed to take him online as a long term commitment not to be terminated by him but by care for one another leaving everyone with a source of income. Based on a verbal agreement from trust as is common in healthy cultures they have a strong livelihood from my intelligence. Breaking a verbal agreement as is common in unhealthy settler-colonial America they have everything through my effort and left me with zero. It is my life with the King of Israel. Want a reading with Ascended Master Saint Germain and others, learn to connect with spirit guides yourself and develop your mental abilities? Visit my website, and join my newsletter and come to our free online regular community gatherings. |
Quigley WorkshopsLinda BakerHonorDonations are necessary, love is necessary, I'm surviving because of the love of Christ.If you wish to contribute, you can do so by sending a check.
Nora Hoffmann Acct # 581579 c/o RCU P.O. Box 6104 Santa Rosa, CA 95406 A Known Crook,It is terrifying to say the truth. Archives
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