By Nora Hoffmann, 4/29/2023 Patricia Haggard believed she deserved my money. She believed it was right to share while there was none, only work, and very little, and a lot of work. And when there was little work and much more money than ever, she believed she deserved my money. And Pat Haggard felt very good about herself. Because a few weeks before breaking our contract -- which she changed together with Quigley into an entirely new verbal agreement, suiting all of them with all her heart -- she reported seeing a group of wise beings not having to do with her but with me around her one night who told her she was only good. She was happy. Now on to her best friend, Linda Baker. Linda Baker used to be my hypnotherapist. We, Master Saint Germain and I, used to give free consulting, channeled by me, given by Master Saint Germain, on how to build Patricia’s business to make it successful. Master Saint Germain included Linda Baker with great care by giving Patricia clear requests on how to further Linda Baker’s prosperity, which he believed she deserved. Now Linda Baker has been treating me like shit. Patricia heeded every single one of our proposals for prosperity: Saint Germain had to call her on her refusing to quote me about my inventions for “her” which she considered “her” business but a lot of our input which you see reflected in her prosperity today is mine. I am actually not sure why he wanted her to thrive. He must have known she and Linda Baker together with Quigley and all my previous so-called “friends” would nurse Quigley’s dick and help Quigley get rid of me forcing me into near death from the horror and terror of whether I could live in my realistic poverty. I called Linda Baker right after Patricia “fired” me, her best friend so far until it would be good to hire Linda Baker and give her, to pay her with, my class which I put together with great care and for which I took my time. I had planned two months of my life for the sequence of classes given under my initiatory team leadership and conceptual guidance online, taken it out of my schedule, which Patricia saw fit to simply cancel within 48 hours — and demand all money be returned to her by me which was due for prosperity for me not for teaching but for my developing the online delivery. Therefore I requested Linda Baker, a professional trainer for decades, to give me a call back to receive some guidance in regards to making a living going forward — which I obviously needed to care about at least myself, since Patricia saw it only fit to destroy rather than help me, after “initially” for three long years being set up by me and Master Saint Germain for great success for the rest of her life — and the rest of his life, master asshole Quigley’s. I’m heartbroken that Linda Baker never returned my phone call. Instead, she happily took over my class — and income — that is mine. My trust — I liked her a lot — she refused, refused to protect me, who was vulnerable, while insisting on not doing anything that master asshole Quigley would perceive as a threat to his vanity. I had to work very hard not to kill myself, in shame for having made such a mistake, despite all my efforts toward sincere prosperity suddenly not knowing how to make a living since my solid economic and professional credentials were entirely wiped off the table by Patricia, her selfishness suiting herself and master representations of Quigley’s school. Quigley, now that I've diligently changed not the advertising language but the Alchemical Hypnosis content's essence toward a much more profound spiritual resonance, but not protecting it innocently as I am perhaps not the kind that steals from other people to increase my marketing budget, suddenly sounds like me in his advertising -- like a highly awake feminine dick -- nonetheless, when you add value to the copy it doesn't make Him a saint. Perhaps to my own detriment I allowed my depth development in regards to real alchemy being a seeker's aid to spiritual qualities, in the form of Alchemical Hypnosis as an aid to the path, to be visible on the internet in order to make sure my work will reflect my deeply spiritual approach within inner work. That it must be for truth and spiritual liberation, and not for power nor manipulation nor to bring in higher-paying customers nor to send away successful entrepreneurs and steal Master Hanisan's profit. Master Hanisan with my dad Master Saint Germain, we are working on fixing that. I am. Hungry. I was terrified and am feeling guilty to this day for giving Quigley’s school of Alchemical Hypnotherapy access to the world economy. Terrifying. What have I done?
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Nora HoffmannGone free while living in hell, I am a generous spiritual entreprenuer having been used by people who don't understand the real spiritual alchemy of financial mystery. If you want to learn more about spiritual financial alchemy for all people.. ArchivesCategories |
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All content © Nora Hoffmann